Project Information

The AVENTINUS Project aims at supporting an Advanced Information System for Multinational Drug Enforcement. It is one of the projects funded by the European Union in the Language Engineering (LE-2238) Program. The goal of the project is to support drug enforcement with multilingual linguistic expertise. Drug enforcement requires fast and efficient cross-border communication, which in Europe always means cross-language problems. AVENTINUS supports communication by providing sofisticated linguistic tools to overcome such communication barriers. There is a public need in this technology in the first place to improve existing workflows. However, there is a large demand in multilingual text and information processing, given the fact that worldwide integration forces business to become global. AVENTINUS provides the basic building blocks for such a market.

The Technologies used are the following: a object oriented database system, text retrieval technologies, fact extraction technologies, machine translation and translation memory techniques, and multilingual terminology facilities.

Project Manager for the Swedish Partner is: Guðrún Magnúsdóttir.

This site

This site is a result from a collaborative work within the Swedish AVENTINUS team. It shows the key-component for many of the AVENTINUS technologies, namely the multilingual term database, and ontology, of the drug domain and its
Search Interface.

A web-based interface to the Named-Entity recognition task for Swedish is also available, the recognition is perfomed without the use of Gazeteers, and it is solely based on triggered contexts.


-Structure of the Multilingual Term Database - Maja Lindfors Viklund and Yvonne Cederholm
-Input to the Multilingual Term Database - Maja Lindfors Viklund
-Development of the Database Structure and Interface for Input in Access - Christian Sjögreen
-Development of Web Interface and search routines in MySQL and Perl - Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis
-Development of the Named-Entity Recognition - Dimitrios Kokkinakis

- Multilingual Term Database Assistance - Jonas Hartelius, Stefan Holmén, David Mighetto, Emma Sköldberg, Martin Mirko, F. Rodrígeuz González, Ida Z.

General Search Interface for the Multilingual Database

General Search Interface to the Multilingual Database
Search word Enter a [Full word form | prefix | infix | suffix] string to search.
Part of word Use the select button to choose which part of the word to search for.
Language Use the select button to choose language specific terms.
Subdomain Use the select button to choose a subdomain.
Concept Concept is selected by clicking the map describing an ontology of concepts.
Search Click this button to activate a search in the database.

First Interface with Search Results.

First Interface with Search Results.
Column Term Describes terms fitting the description filled out in the search form.
Column Language Specific language for each term.
Column Part of Speech Part of speech information for each term.
Goes to previous page in history.
Goes to the home page for the search interface.
Gives information about a specific page when searching.

Second Interface with Search Results.

Second Interface with Search Results.
Term Describes a specific term selected from the search results.
Language Language information about the specific term.
Concept Information about the term from the concept ontology.
Subdomain Information about which subdomain the term belongs to.
Synonym Listing of synonyms to the selected term.
Hyperonym Hyperonym information to the specific term.
Hyponyms Hyponyms that are linked to the term.
Equivalent Equivalents to the specific term in (French,German,Spanish,Swedish)
if the term is in English, otherwise the equivalents will be in English
Goes to previous page in history.
Goes to the home page for the search interface.
Gives information about a specific page when searching.

Description of An Error.

There was no result from your query.
Try again with fewer options.
If you got the above message, you searched for options which
were not found for any term in the database.
"Options" means Language, Subdomain, Concept, Search word or Part of word.