Search the Swedish-English-Chinese Lexicon

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Source Language:
Swedish Pinyin English
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Whole string only Begins with Substring

The Swedish and English entries are mostly in the least specified form (infintive for verbs, nominative indefinite for nouns etc.), since Chinese/Pinyin is a non inflected language and do not differ between i.e. singular and plural or indefinite and definite form, most of the time.
For example, if you want loves or loved search for love.
If you want the phrase I love you, firstly search for I, then love and lastly you.

If You search on pinyin please remember to use the proper tone symbols:
Tone one : ¨ Steady high tone
Tone two : ´ Rising tone
Tone three: ^ Falling then rising tone
Tone four : ` Falling tone

Leif-Jöran Olsson, 1996–2002.