Publications |
PhD thesis |
Dana Dannélls (2012). Multilingual text generation from structured formal representations. Data Linguistica. University of Gothenburg.
[pdf] [BibTex]. |
Conference and workshop papers |
Mariana Damova, Dana Dannélls, Aarne Ranta, Ramona Enache and Maria Mateva (2013). Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and LOD.
Towards multilingual Semantic Web. In press.
Dana Dannélls, Aarne Ranta, Ramona Enache, Mariana Damova and Maria Mateva (2013). Multilingual access to cultural heritage content on the Semantic Web.
Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH), Sofia, Bulgaria. 107--115 [pdf].
Dana Dannélls, Lars Borin and Leif-Jöran Olsson (2013). MapServer for Swedish Language Technology.
Digital Humanities, Nebraska–Lincoln, USA [URL].
Dana Dannélls (2012). On generating
coherent multilingual descriptions of museum objects
from Semantic Web ontologies. Proceedings of the
7th International Natural Language Generation
Conference (INLG), Utica, USA [pdf].
Dana Dannélls and Lars Borin (2012). Toward language
independent methodology for generating artwork
descriptions -- Exploring FrameNet information. EACL workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and
Humanities (LaTeCH), Avignon France [pdf].
Dana Dannélls, Ramona Enache, Mariana Damova,
Milen Chechev (2012). Multilingual Online Generation
from Semantic Web Ontologies. Proceedings of the
World Wide Web conference (WWW12), Lyon, France [pdf].
Dana Dannélls and Mariana Damova (2011).
Reason-able View of Linked Data for Cultural
Heritage. Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies (S3T),
Bourgas, Bulgaria.
Dana Dannélls, Ramona Enache, Mariana Damova and
Milen Chechev (2011). A Framework for Improved Access
to Museum Databases in the Semantic Web . Proceedings
of Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural
Heritage. Workshop associated with the RANLP 2011
Conference, Hissar, Bulgaria.
Dana Dannélls (2010). Applying semantic
frame theory to automate natural language templates
generation from ontology statements. Proceedings of
the 6th International Natural Language Generation
Conference (INLG), Dublin, Ireland. 179--183 [pdf].
Lars Borin, Dana Dannélls, Markus Forsberg, Maria Toporowska Gronostaj and Dimitrios Kokkinakis (2010). The past meets the present in the Swedish FrameNet++. Proceedings of the 14th Euralex International Congress, Leeuwarden [url].
Dana Dannélls and John J. Camilleri
(2010). Verb Morphology of Hebrew and Maltese --
Towards an Open Source Type Theoretical Resource Grammar in
GF. Proceedings of the Language Resources (LRs) and Human Language
Technologies (HLT) for Semitic Languages Status, Updates, and
Prospects. Workshop associated with LREC, Malta. 57--61 [pdf].
Dana Dannélls (2010). Discourse Generation from Formal Specifications Using the Grammatical Framework, GF . Special issue of the journal Research in Computing Science (RCS), volume 46. 167--178 [pdf] [BibTex].
Lars Borin, Dana Dannélls, Markus Forsberg, Maria Toporowska Gronostaj and Dimitrios Kokkinakis (2009). Thinking Green: Toward Swedish FrameNet++. The Eighth International Workshop on
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, December Milan [pdf].
Dana Dannélls (2009). Improving Information Access to Cultural Content through Discourse Strategies. Proceedings of the eleventh International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA). Workshop on Intelligent Cultural Heritage, December, Reggio Emilia, Italy. ISBN 978--88--903581--1--1 [BibTex].
Dana Dannélls (2009). The Value of Weights in Automatically
Generated Text Structures. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS 5449. 233--244 [pdf][BibTex]. |
Dana Dannélls (2008). A System Architecture for Conveying Historical Knowledge to Museum Visitors. Proceedings of the ECDL. Workshop on Information Access to Cultural Heritage, Aarhus, Denmark. ISBN 978--90--813489--1--1 [pdf][BibTex]. |
Dana Dannélls (2008). The production of documents from ontologies. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). The 4th International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies, Patras, Greece. 36-38
[pdf][BibTex]. |
Dana Dannélls (2008). Generating Tailored Texts for Museum Exhibits. Proceedings of the 6th edition of LREC. The 2nd Workshop on
Language Technology for Cultural Heritage (LaTeCH 2008), Marrakech, Morocco. 17--20
[pdf][BibTex]. |
Dana Dannélls and Louise Deléger (2007). Multilingual generation of medical
information. In the 9th Bar-Ilan Symposium on the Foundations of
Artificial Intelligence (BISFAI), Tel-Aviv, Israel [pdf][BibTex]. |
Dana Dannélls (2006). Automatic
Acronym Recognition. Proceedings of the 11th conference on European chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (EACL), Trento, Italy. 167--170
[pdf] [ps] [BibTex]. |
Dimitrios Kokkinakis and Dana Dannélls (2006). Recognizing acronyms and their definitions in Swedish medical texts. Proceedings of the 5th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Genoa, Italy [pdf][BibTex]. |
Patents |
Avraham Shpigel and Dana Dannélls (2007).
Automatic Reusable Definitions Identification (RDI) method.
U.S. Patent application filled in July 2006
[url]. |
Doctorial Consortium |
Dana Dannélls (2007). Automatic generation and simplification of
written documents. Accepted to the Sixth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context,
Roskilde University, Denmark
[pdf]. |
Master thesis |
Dana Dannélls (2006). Acronym Recognition: Recognizing acronyms in Swedish texts. Master's thesis. Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
[pdf] [ps][BibTex]. |
Student projects |
Dana Dannélls (2008). Transferring semantic frames from English to Swedish. Lexical Semantics course, GSLT, Sweden [pdf]. |
Dana Dannélls (2007). Disfluency detection in a dialogue system. Speech technology course, GSLT, Sweden [pdf]. |
Dana Dannélls (2007). Acronym classification using feature combinations. Machine learning course, GSLT, Sweden [pdf]. |
Dana Dannélls (2007). Building WSD systems with MBL. NLP course, GSLT, Sweden. [pdf] |
Dana Dannélls (2005). Classifying Swedish Acronyms with MBT. Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden [pdf] [ps]. |
Dana Dannélls (2005). Recognizing Swedish acronyms and their definitions in biomedical literature. Research report. Department of Swedish language, University of Gothenburg, Sweden [pdf]. |
Dana Dannélls (Doytch), Joakim Evers, Calle Håkansson and Mattias Sandsäter (2005). TalkMail. Term paper, Artificial Intelligence. Computer Science, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden [pdf]. |
Dana Dannélls (Doytch) (2004). Capturing an utterance´s dialogue act. Term paper, Pragmatics. Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden [pdf]. |